Relationship Education for Kids

How do you approach the topic of relationships with your kids? A dad's letter to his daughters' prospective love interests went viral:


I ain't raisin' no princesses.

Posted by J. Warren Welch on Sunday, September 3, 2017


Today on Global TV's The Morning Show, Jess and Jeff sat down to discuss how parents can introduce the topics of dating and relationships to their kids. Check out the notes and video below.

1. In this example, the father is defying gender stereotypes; critics say you should be protective of your children and that young people need this protection.

  • Of course, there is a natural inclination for all parents to feel protective of their kids and that’s a great thing; but the old version of these rules (i.e. My daughter. My rules) really represented possession — not protection. Part of being protective involves equipping kids with the skills to eventually take care of themselves.
  • These rules apply regardless of gender....
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Sex Terms Youā€™ve Never Heard: CBT, AMDL & More!

podcasts Sep 08, 2017

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Jess is joined by sex educator extraordinaire Sunny Megatron who shares her knowledge of kinky sex terms. From CEI to SPH, you’re sure to learn something new in this episode!

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American Sex Podcast

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How to Move on From Your Ex

How would you react if you found out your ex was getting married? Would you be happy for them? Or would you harbour resentment? This morning on Global TV's The Morning Show, Jess shared tips for moving on from after a breakup. Check out Jess' notes and video below.

1. If the thought of your ex getting married upsets you, does it mean that you’re not over them?

No. It may mean that you’re not over the relationship itself - perhaps you’re still processing some of the emotions or issues related to the breakup itself. For example, if infidelity was involved, you may be struggling with the associated insecurity and/or trust issues. If the way they broke up with you was particularly hurtful (perhaps they weren’t straightforward or used manipulation to end the relationship), you might still be hurt by the process itself. Being upset about a breakup doesn’t mean you are meant to be with that person or that they’re particularly relevant...

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How to Move on From Your Ex

Uncategorized Sep 08, 2017

How would you react if you found out your ex was getting married? Would you be happy for them? Or would you harbour resentment? This morning on Global TV's The Morning Show, Jess shared tips for moving on from after a breakup. Check out Jess' notes and video below.

1. If the thought of your ex getting married upsets you, does it mean that you’re not over them?

No. It may mean that you’re not over the relationship itself - perhaps you’re still processing some of the emotions or issues related to the breakup itself. For example, if infidelity was involved, you may be struggling with the associated insecurity and/or trust issues. If the way they broke up with you was particularly hurtful (perhaps they weren’t straightforward or used manipulation to end the relationship), you might still be hurt by the process itself. Being upset about a breakup doesn’t mean you are meant to be with that person or that they’re particularly relevant...

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Recipe For A Sexy Weekend Escape

expert advice Aug 30, 2017

Vacation sex is just about as hot as it gets. Rivaled only by conjugal visit sex, vacation sex offers the thrill of an escape and the excitement of new surroundings without the cold hard floor of a prison cell or the criminal record. While not everyone has the time or budget to take off to an oceanfront retreat, a weekend escape can work wonders for your love life.

Research suggests that an escape with your lover not only impacts your short-term sex life, but it can help to reignite the flame of passion. By slipping away from your regular routine and reducing the practical restrictions that inhibit your sex life (e.g. screaming kids, work deadlines, household chores), your inhibitions naturally subside leading to exciting and novel experiences and a boost in passion. Moreover, you’re more likely to try something new while on vacation or a mini-escape (e.g. starting a new book, exploring new territory or tasting new foods) and according to self-expansion theory, this...

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Sexual Health Questions Answered

podcasts Aug 24, 2017

The brilliant Dr. Jessica Shepherd (@JShepherd_MD) joins Jess to talk about vaginal health and answer a few sexual health questions from listeners. If you have questions you’d like us to answer, send them our way! We love to hear from you.

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The Science of Breakups: How To "Uncouple" With Compassion

Is there a right or wrong way to break up with your partner? Today on The Morning Show, Jess & Jeff discuss the science of compassionate break-ups and strategies for effective uncoupling. Check out the summary notes and video below.

1. There is science to breaking up. What do we know?

Research suggests that there are five stages:

  • Pre-contemplation: feelings of unease without doubt.
  • Contemplation: doubts about the relationship.
  • Preparation: you’ve made the decision, but haven’t put it into action — this can last months.
  • Action: this could be withdrawal or another less straightforward approach.
  • Maintenance: final exchanges that might include returning belongings, moving out, etc.

If you don’t get back together in the fifth stage, chances are you won’t be together in the long run.

2. But what about breaking up effectively? How do you do it and does it matter how long you’ve been dating?

The length of your relationship will...

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Can Shy Couples Be Swingers Too?

Of course you can!


The Lifestyle is rooted in social interactions — both online and in-person — so it’s not uncommon for all couples (regardless of whether or not you identify as shy) to feel intimidated by the prospect of meeting, flirting with and pursuing new friendships and connections.

Being shy, however, does not mean that you cannot fully indulge in the swinging experience; with a little guidance and practice, you’ll find your groove and be well on your way to making new connections, cultivating lasting friendships and igniting the sexual spark with other couples in the Lifestyle.

I turned to my friends from PlayboyTV’s Swing (click here for the NSFW link which confirms they are the antitheses of shy!) for their advice for shy folks in the Lifestyle. Here’s what they had to say:

Tammy McCray of offers the following insight:


“Having our own Lifestyle club has really opened our eyes to how difficult it can be if a...

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Can Passing Gas Benefit Your Relationship?

This morning on Global TV's The Morning Show, Jess discussed the act of passing gas in relationships with Carolyn Mackenzie. Are there any benefits? And how long do most people wait to fart for the first time? Check out the video and Jess' notes below...

1. This survey included 125 people in their 20s and 30s and the researchers conclude that farting may be good for your relationship. How do young people really feel about farting in front of a significant other?

  •  29% say it’s acceptable to start farting in front of your partner after dating for 2-6 months. (This may be when the sleepovers start — at which time passing gas seems inevitable. Who doesn’t play the butt-tuba in their sleep?)
  • 25% say it’s acceptable to start farting in front of your partner after dating for 6-12 months.
  • 22% say they only wait a few weeks.
  • 7% they would never fart in front of a partner.
  • Women are more likely to report that they wait for their partner to do it first.


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Jess & Brandon on What We Fight About

podcasts Aug 11, 2017

Jess’ husband Brandon joins her to talk about their fights -- the good, the bad and the ugly.

Fighting with your partner is not a sign that your relationship is doomed. In fact, the happiest couples fight and there are benefits to fighting:

  • Smaller fights may help to stave off bigger conflicts in the long run
  • Fighting helps us to adjust our behaviour in order to have more productive and loving interactions moving forward
  • Fighting with positive resolutions can lead to greater relationship satisfaction as you become more honest, relieve relationship tension and communicate your needs and expectation.

Healthy fighting might involve:

  • Active listening and an attempt to understand your partner’s perspective; rather than waiting for them to finish so the you can respond, listen to what they’re saying and take a breath (with a “hmmm”) after everything they say.
  • Positive interactions even when you disagree (e.g. letting your partner know that you love them...
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