How Often Do Happy Married Couples Have Sex?

A new study suggests that there is a magic number in terms of sexual frequency in order to maintain a happy marriage. Jess weighs in on this topic on Global TV's The Morning Show. Watch the video below and catch her every week on air on Tuesdays at 7:20am.

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Tips To Reignite The Passion

uncategorized Apr 06, 2015

A few weeks ago, I got to know an at-home conception aid called The Stork. We worked together to develop some tips for reducing stress and boosting intimacy for couples who are trying to conceive. I've posted them below. If you want to learn more about The Stork, check out the video and my layperson description below.

The Stork - Tip Sheet - FINAL, APPROVED


This device, which can be used at home during intercourse, involves two pieces -- one that resembles a condom and another that works like a tampon with a long handle. For male-female couples, the man wears the condom (they call it a conceptacle, as is contains a cervical cap-like device in the tip) during intercourse and then removes the cervical cap after ejaculating. The woman places the cervical cap on the tip of the applicator and  slides it into her vaginal canal to sit against her cervix. After 4-6 hours, she pulls it out using the tampon-like string.

Please note that as an educator, Jess is not a medical practitioner and does NOT...

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The Stork: Contraception Enhancement

A few weeks ago, I got to know an at-home conception aid called The Stork. We worked together to develop some tips for reducing stress and boosting intimacy for couples who are trying to conceive. I've posted them below. If you want to learn more about The Stork, check out the video and my layperson description below.

The Stork - Tip Sheet - FINAL, APPROVED



This device, which can be used at home during intercourse, involves two pieces -- one that resembles a condom and another that works like a tampon with a long handle. For male-female couples, the man wears the condom (they call it a conceptacle, as is contains a cervical cap-like device in the tip) during intercourse and then removes the cervical cap after ejaculating. The woman places the cervical cap on the tip of the applicator and  slides it into her vaginal canal to sit against her cervix. After 4-6 hours, she pulls it out using the tampon-like string.

Please note that as an educator, Jess is not a medical practitioner and does...

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Bed Post Confessions with Michele Schalin

expert advice Mar 13, 2015

Michele Shalin

Here's a great podcast by Michele Schalin about advocating for a better sex life by way of things like kink and BDSM, including 50 Shades of Grey. Check out the podcast here.

Michele Schalin is a sex blogger and entrepreneur. She is on a personal mission to spread a sex positive message and help other women feel empowered with their own sexuality. Michele and her husband Rich own Little Shop Of O's, an online sex-positive community that shares fun, sexy, informative and entertaining tidbits for women, men and couples to assist them on their own journey of sexual growth and exploration.


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Seven simple ways to have more sex in Post City Magazine

expert advice Mar 05, 2015

Excerpt from Dr. Jess's Post City Article

Dr. Jess wants to make sure that you're getting what you need. Her latest monthly contribution to Post City Magazines outlines seven simple steps to have more sex.

To read the full article, click here.

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What your Facebook says about your relationship

Dr. Jess on The Morning Show 

Dr. Jess visited The Morning Show as she does every Wednesday morning, to discuss a recent study about what your Facebook says about your relationship, as well as the “ideal” man/woman.

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Dr. Jess returns to The Night Side

expert advice press Feb 18, 2015

In Depth Radio, Newstalk 1010 

Dr. Jess joined Barb Di Giulio, host of The Night Side on NEWSTALK 1010, to answer callers questions about sex and relationships.

Listen to Dr. Jess talk about size, anal, and body types!

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Sex Q & A on The Night Side

press Feb 10, 2015

Barb Di Giulio from NEWSTALK 1010 and host of The Night Side invited Dr. Jess into the studio to answer callers' questions on sex and relationships.


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An alternative to Valentine's Day in Post City Magazine

press Feb 10, 2015

Dr. Jess writes monthly for Post City Magazine. This month, as a sexologist, it only seemed appropriate to discuss Valentine's Day.

Jess takes a personal twist in her article and discusses why she doesn't celebrate the holiday.

An excerpt from Jess's article in Post City magazine

Read the full article here

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uncategorized Feb 04, 2015

Jess took the stage at TedX Vancouver in front of a live, enthusiastic and very large audience. In her first TedX speech, Jess highlights the grey-area between monogamy and open relationships that might just be the antedate to divorce. She suggests that the key to happily ever after for many couples may be found in the concept of Monogam-ish.

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