TedX Vancouver Interview with Global News

uncategorized Nov 04, 2014

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Jess discusses BDSM and Consent w/ Dr. Amitay

2013 uncategorized Sep 04, 2014

In light of Jian Gomeshi's so-called "kink defence", Jess and Dr. Oren Amitay discuss the difference between kink and assault. The bottom line is that there is no grey area: consent underscores kink and differentiates it from assault.

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Sex Spreadsheet of Rejection "Excuses" is Utter Nonsense

sex news uncategorized Jul 23, 2014

What better way to seduce your partner than to guilt and shame them into having sex with you?

This was ostensibly the logic behind one man's decision to create a spreadsheet detailing every instance of his wife's refusal to have sex in the past month. The record is complete with verbatim explanations from his wife, which he charmingly terms "excuses".


Excuses spreadsheet

There is so much wrong with this, I don't even know where to begin. The fact alone that someone devoted time and energy to making their life partner feel bad is bewildering and saddening. The tone of the document is little better than its already remarkably offensive over-arching message, and his little addendums ("Friends re-run"; "didn't shower until next morning") are dripping with snark and condescension. The husband's entitlement to his wife's body and sexuality speaks volumes about the expectations society places on women and girls, and the tendency to archaically view sex and "pleasing one's husband" as a requisite of...

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In Support of the "Relfie"

Narcissistic Selfie Association

The steadily growing selfie trend has been criticized time and time again for denoting vanity and narcissism, as well as for its tendency towards posturing and inauthenticity. Because flattering angles, filters and editing tools are used liberally in selfie culture, some people view takers of selfies as “fake” and attention-seeking. In spite of society’s tireless tirade against the selfie, I will always be in full support of it for the reason that, in my opinion, there is nothing inherently wrong with seeking attention. You are indeed gorgeous and noteworthy and you should share your mug with the world if it makes you happy! Selfies have the power to build self-esteem, forge connections through social networking and express one’s individual style and identity. Besides, there are far worse evils in the world than taking a photo of you and your new outfit. Or your new sweetheart.

Your new sweetheart

The “relfie”, a term first coined in Science of Relationships,...

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Food + Foreplay: A testimonial from Kitty

I have a passion for food.

I love how you can take simple ingredients and create masterpieces and then you get to enjoy the fruits of your labor by giving your palate an experience.

I see food, as I do most things, to be very erotic.

Food, like sex, makes you feel good. If the meal is delicious enough, it can give you a moment of escape and at the end of it you’re left satisfied.

This sexperience is about how my partner and I tied my love for food and sex together and created magic.

I have never forgotten this occasion because it was the one and only time food was incorporated into my sexual play.


During a lazy afternoon of cuddling, reading and watching television my girlfriend at the time and I decided to cook something to eat… well actually I decided I was hungry so she decided to cook for me. I had a pretty nice set up with her. She was a woman who absolutely loved to cook and I love to eat.

She would cook me my favorite meals and to show my gratitude for...

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In the Words of Marcus

"I was visiting a friend last night (male). While I was there, another visitor arrived (also male). Within a few minutes of being there, the visitor made a joke where the punch-line was beating up a woman. I told him that I didn't find that joke funny. His response was I needed to relax - it was a joke. I let him know I didn't find jokes like that funny. He became upset that I challenged him on his joke and became irate that I wouldn't just let it go. I asked him, if I was in a room and someone made a joke about beating up asians because they are asians (the visitor was asian) what would he want me to do in those cases? He became more incensed, screamed at me, asked if I was a woman (he used a more unflattering word), and asked if I had a vagina (also using a more lewd word, which I won't write here). When I refused to back down from my position, he suggested that I had a mental deficiency and needed to get help because, as he put it, "why would you be offended?...There's something...

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Dr.Jess teaches Halifax how to get kinky in the Dal Gazette!

uncategorized Feb 09, 2013

Check out what Dr.Jess had to say about sexual education and culture to Haligonians here!

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Condoms? Thereā€™s an App for that.

uncategorized Aug 11, 2011

MTV Staying Alive and iCondom Create the World's Largest Condom Map

While some American pharmacies continue to lock up condoms, MTV and iCondom are trying to make safer sex more accessible through GPS-Condom technology. Though they're yet to come out with a condom with built-in GPS (ouch!), this iPhone app allows users to locate the closest place to pick up condoms with updated maps.

Please check out iCondom's site...

"MTV Staying Alive and iCondom are asking everyone to join them in the fight to help prevent the transmission of HIV, AIDS and other STIs.

Simply download the free iCondom app and upload the location of your nearest condom dispenser or retailer via GPS.

Together we are creating the world's largest condom distribution map, the first user-generated map of its kind.

The app provides information that has been uploaded by other users, such as whether the store has 24 hour opening or a dispensing machine is out of order.

Watch our campaign, download the app and...

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Does Your Partner Cheat?

uncategorized Jul 13, 2009

That Depends On Your Definition of Cheating.

What is cheating? Does a kiss, a long glance, a casual screw, an online romance or a secret emotional connection constitute relationship infidelity? As a culture that celebrates diversity, it is important to remember that relationships come in all shapes and sizes. Accordingly, there is no determinate set of acts or behaviours can be universally considered cheating. Some people are open to (even welcoming of) friendly flirting, intimate friendships and casual threesomes, while others cringe at the thought of sharing their partners.

There is no perfect fit for relationships. Serial monogamy, polyamory, open relationship triads, swinging and a range of other options are all legitimate and potentially challenging arrangements. Proponents of monogamy may claim that their relationship provides more intense intimacy and companionship, while polyamorists may view monogamy as a limiting form of possession.

It is easy to be critical or judgmental...

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