In March 2017, Jess visited Dubai, UAE and Beirut, Lebanon to work with several chapters from YPO and EO in the region. She hosted several sessions including “Female Empowerment”, “Behind Closed Doors”, “The Science of Passion” and “Powerful Perspectives for Power Couples” and has already been invited back to Dubai for another YPO event at the end of April. Thank goodness she loves to fly!
Check out some of the photos from her events and travels below and be sure to watch her Facebook Live replay from the beach in Dubai.
Sex and relationship advice from Dubai Posted by Dr. Jess Sexologist on Tuesday, March 14, 2017
After her first speaking tour in the Middle East, Jess visited Europe to work with YPO chapters in Prague, Czech Republic, Geneva, Switzerland, and Kiev, Ukraine.
After winning an award with the YPO Czech chapter for the Most Innovative Event in Europe in 2015, Jess designed a weekend-long retreat which included coupled activities, counselling, guided visualization and small group work for the members of the YPO Czech chapter and their spouses. She also facilitated day-long workshops in the countryside outside of Geneva for YPO Alpine and at the beautiful Verholy Park Hotel for YPO Kiev. As always, Jess reports that she learns as much from her clients as they do from her and she shared some of her insights and discoveries in the Facebook Live video below.
Sex & Relationship Advice from Switzerland
Posted by Dr. Jess Sexologist on Thursday, March 23, 2017
Check out what some event members had to say...
Yes, it was a fantastic event. Everybody was super...
Today on Global TV’s The Morning Show, Jeff and I delved into the topic of morning sex. Watch the clip below.
1. Why is morning the right time?
2. Is it true that it will put you in a better mood?
3. And what about that glow - is that a real thing?
Dr. Jess kicked off 2017 with a bang, spreading her sexual knowledge across the Great White North from Toronto to Halifax to Montreal and Winnipeg.
Along with the We-Vibe team, she spoke at The Everything to do With Sex Show in Halifax and Le Salon de l’Amour et de la Séduction in Montreal. Delivering 14 speeches and to audiences totalling over 5000 guests, Jess never failed to impress!
Not only did she teach her audiences the handjob to end all blowjobs, but she sold out of her latest book, The New Sex Bible at her book signing sessions and the debut of her webinars, Drive Him/Her Wild With Pleasure, were met with warm Canadian enthusiasm. How else do you expect us to stay warm during the long Canadian winters? Check out a few photos below and press clips below.
In early March, Dr. Jess made a short trip to Winnipeg to speak at McNally Robinson with the University of Manitoba's Centre for Professional...
This week Jess hosts her husband, Brandon Ware, for a tell-all on being married to a sexologist. He shares his thoughts on nude beaches, sex toys, public sex and more. Sit back and listen as Jess and Brandon walk you through their sexual journey.
Brandon Ware is a founding partner with The WareInToronto Group and is the top sales representative with Private Service Realty. He is passionate about his business and his warm personality, in-depth market knowledge and solid negotiation skills set him apart from others in the field.
Follow Brandon Ware on...
See below for this episode's transcription...
Dr. Jess: Hi there! This is Jess O'Reilly I am Sex with Dr. Jess, your friendly neighborhood sexologist and shouldn't every neighborhood have a sexologist? I don't know, maybe my neighbors would beg to differ. I am here as always to help you cultivate sexual compatibility so that you can a happier, more meaningful, more loving relationship and of course...
In February 2017, Jess went on tour with Entrepreneur's Organization in the United States. Over the course of two weeks, she visited 9 chapters along the East Coast: Miami, Nashville, Raleigh, Virginia Beach, New York City, Stamford, Washington D.C., Boston and Philadelphia. She worked with entrepreneurs and their partners to improve intimacy and communication in their relationships with the goal of reigniting the spark and strengthening their bond.
Check out some of the client feedback below.
Despite a topic that could be embarrassing...she made it super fun! - EO Philadelphia
What a great program! You were truly fabulous...I left the event feeling very respected, loved, and valued as you gave us a platform to share our feelings one on one. I also felt more confident and sexier, which is always a good thing! :)...Your work is very important and I am guessing you have no idea or scope on many relationships you change for the better, how many walls you...
Dr. Jess hosts Sheri and Yvonne from Welcomed Consensus to discuss a few tools and techniques to achieve the perfect full body orgasm!
Sheri is a founding member of the Welcomed Consensus. Through her research she discovered the effect of telling the truth about her desire and how essential communication is to having gratifying relationships and orgasm. Yvonne's writing focuses on pleasurable menopause giving new perspectives and a gratifying outlook on midlife. Her goals of spreading the fun, having her own orgasm expand and training a man to produce better orgasm in her body inspired her to become an instructor. Learn more about the ladies here.
Follow Welcomed Consensus on...
Continued from Part 1 here...
3. How is Justisse different than the old school rhythm method?
Amy: The Rhythm Method came about due to research in the 1930s that showed that ovulation, on average, occurred about two weeks before menstruation. So using a single biomarker – date of last period – calculations were created to estimate when a person would be fertile. Unfortunately, because cycles are responsive to stress, illness, travel, and diet, this method had a high failure rate because it was based on calculations that presumed regular 25-35 day cycles. In this way, the Rhythm Method is what we call a retrospective or prospective method – it tries to anticipate future cycles based on past cycles. Almost all modern FAM methods, including the Justisse Method, use multiple biomarkers (as above) to account for irregularities in the menstrual cycle.
By tracking mucus and BBT we can anticipate cycles with delayed ovulation and achieve effective contraception...
Hi everyone, my name is Nicole! I’m just your average 23-year-old living in the ever-evolving city of Toronto. Not too long ago, I ended a rocky long-term relationship and set out on a path of self-discovery, new adventures and
for the first time, online dating. I was 18 years old when I started seeing my ex-boyfriend, so I was excited and nervous to explore this whole new world (like Jasmine on the back of the magic carpet). I was told that there are plenty of fish in the sea - but Toronto seemed
more like an entire ocean of people each looking for different things.
I downloaded a bunch of apps like Bumble and Tinder, and spent hours agonizing about writing the best possible bio, choosing the most flattering photos, and throwing a dash of cute emojis here and there. Just like the opening of hunting season, I swiped right more times than I care to admit.
I’ve met some strange characters online: married men posing as newly single bachelors, the too good to...
Are you curious about open relationships? This morning on Global TV's The Morning Show, I discuss consensual non-monogamy in research and practice with the lovely Carolyn Mackenzie. Check out the video and full notes (we always run out of time!) below.
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