Does Your Partner Cheat? Part 2

Continued from previous post...

Talking about boundaries and expectations also produces a perfect opportunity to discuss the potential for diversity or experimentation within all types of relationships. Clients who are interested in swinging often ask for advice on how to introduce the subject to their partners. While it is unlikely that most people will be open to a sudden change in relationship structure, asking your partners about their fantasies can create an exciting dialogue and produce shared fantasies and role play games that can be even more mind-blowing than the real thing.

But back to the question at hand: what is cheating? In short, cheating involves engaging in any activity (emails, text messages, telephone calls, physical intimacy, emotional companionship, etc.) to which your partners would not consent. A good starting point is to act in a similar manner both in the presence and absence of your partners. If they would be uncomfortable watching you act in a particular manner and you value and respect your relationship, it is likely that you may want to reconsider your behaviour. As relationships differ and evolve with time, the definition of cheating is fluid and is determined only by the individuals involved in the relationship.


Relationships take work and if you value a relationship, you likely care about respecting your partners' feelings. So if you haven't done so already, talk it over and determine what activities are appropriate and which ones make you uncomfortable within the context of your unique connection. Consider revisiting your agreement every six or twelve months to discuss any changes or concerns. As your relationship progresses and intimacy intensifies, you may want more or less "monogamy" to keep your love and sex life fun and fulfilling.

If the act of cheating itself turns you on, consider role-playing scenarios to fulfill this fantasy. Your partners may need lots of reassurance that it will remain a fantasy and you can rest assured that a well played-out role play will likely be better (and less risky) than the real thing. After all, the best sex often occurs in your head as opposed to between your legs.

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