Sex In The World Of Comic Books

Sexuality in comics can be seen in the fetish inspired costumes, the racy story lines and the killer curves that are drawn onto the characters.

Sex is everywhere even in comics…now I see the fascination for comic nerds!

You can see fetish inspired costumes on characters such as Cat Woman.

She wears a skin tight leather cat suit that could easily be seen on any working dominatrix. Her claws are made to cause pain and her whip to whip the bad guys into shape.


Her badass, take charge, play no games attitude completely mimics a dom and she oozes confidence and sex. She has been played by some of Hollywood’s sexiest such as Michelle Pfeiffer and Halle Berry and most recently by the gorgeous Anne Hathaway.

Wonder woman is an amazon women who also carries a whip… and a very generous bust line. Wonder woman was one of the first popularized comic book beauties and since her entrance into the comic world she has spawned a new generation of comic vixens.

Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman

A rooster filled with busty women who use their sexuality just as much as their super powers to destroy the hearts of men (and sometimes women) and their enemies can be seen in every comic book probably ever made.

After reading a few comic books I saw that they are a little bit soft core porn with some action and drama thrown in.

Black Canary
“Black Canary” DC Comics

It makes you wonder what people really read these comics for.

Besides the costumes and persona of these characters sexuality is displayed in comics through same sex sexual encounters and characters that have a long list of bedroom buddies.


Some of these ladies and comic book men are known to get around with everyone and anyone.

Poison Ivy

Poison Ivy

Batman is probably the worst culprit for sleeping around. He has had sex with almost all of the women pictured in this post.

Most of his female nemesis have also been in his bed. That’s the definition of a love hate relationship. They do say sex is the best with someone you hate.
Black Widow

The Black Widow

Recently DC Comics released Green Lantern as an openly gay which caused a huge stir in the comic book community and also shows how forward comics are willing to be about sex and sexuality.

Green Lantern

Green Lantern DC comics

Comic books and sex… I’ve think I’ve found a new hobby


About The Author

Symone aka Kitty

Symone (AKA Kitty) is an aspiring sex and relationship therapist and a freelance writer. She is extremely interested in the world of
sexuality and finding ways to bring a more positive and open minded view to the world on the topic of sex.

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