Love Your Body! - Part 2

Continued from Part 1 here...

3. Minimize Negative Triggers

We all have our ups and downs and it would be futile to attempt to eliminate all sources of negativity. However we can minimize exposure to unnecessary triggers that tend to promote a less than positive attitude toward our bodies.

If certain social circles, individuals, television shows or even social media updates leave you feeling inadequate, you may want to reframe or reconsider how often you embrace these connections. Surrounding yourself with people who focus on their positive attributes while acknowledging that their body is only one component of their whole selves will help you to do the same. 

4. Accept a Little Jealousy!

In our culture, we tend to view jealousy as unconditionally negative. It is often dismissed as a sign of weakness or low self-esteem when this is not always the case. In fact, we all experience some feelings of jealousy and since it is
difficult (near-impossible) to directly control our feelings, we need to focus on our jealously-motivated thoughts and behaviour. In other words, it’s not about eliminating jealousy altogether, but managing it.

So if you find yourself experiencing feelings of jealousy, don’t be too hard on yourself. Instead, recognize what it is you covet, set achievable goals for yourself that reflect this desire and reward yourself for each stage of success.

5. Stay Off the Scale

Weighing yourself is an inaccurate measure of health and fitness, as it only looks at one dimension of your body. Not only is it unhealthy to allow any number to determine your self-worth, but research actually indicates that keeping a scale in the house can have a negative impact on your self-esteem, body image and even your mood. So unless your health practitioner has asked you to track your weight, ditch the scale and focus on how you feel as opposed to how much you weigh.

6. Accept Compliments
You are your own worst critic, so open your ears to other sources. If a friend, loved one or stranger offers you a compliment, accept it graciously and let it sink in. Even small compliments are worth relishing in, so do your best to remember them or jot them down so you can refer back to them when you need a pick-me-up.

If your partner isn’t the gushy type, tell him you need a little extra encouragement and accept his compliments at face value. Research with cancer survivors shows that our husbands are far more satisfied with our bodies than we think they are, so be sure to tap into this source of support.

Feeling great about your body is linked to your overall self-esteem and healthy relationships. So love your body, be kind to yourself and indulge a little whenever possible. Like any love affair, your passionate relationship with your body will be filled with ups and downs that make life exciting and worth celebrating.

Originally published in Pink and Teal.

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