Love and Affection in Elle Brazil's Latest Cover

By Alison Minor

Earlier this week, Elle Brazil celebrated their 29th anniversary and the LBGTQ community in a beautifully commendatory fashion. They featured a same-sex couple on their highly anticipated, glossy annual issue of the magazine. The cover is irrefutably beautiful and was met with an inspiringly positive response all around.

For the current sexual and political landscape of Brazil, this cover matters a lot. Members of the LBGTQ community in Brazil have been subject to fatal hate crimes, most of which did not involve any form of robbery. In the past four years, Brazil has lost nearly 1,600 beautiful gay, lesbian, and transgender souls to mindless and hate-fueled violence. This number is most likely higher, due to police’s preference to omit details of victims’ sexual orientation because of the strong taboo that surrounds the subject.

The issue’s theme was affection, and we applaud Elle Brazil, and all those who bravely stand for inclusivity and LBGTQ rights. This public challenge of homophobia gracefully creates an international conversation and publicly sets a standard within Brazilian media. Love is love is love, and we love this public display of affection.

AlisonAlison is a creativity and communications fanatic. With a passion for adventure and a distaste for the mundane, she aspires to inject her curiousity and energy into everything she does. Alison’s daily routine is not complete without reading up on the latest fitness trend, searching through Spotify for the newest earworm, and clinging to an espresso for dear life. On any other day, you can usually expect her to be trying new foods in Toronto, looking for great hiking trails, or taking a nap… A girl needs her naps.

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